I was at a conference in August, and they had a really cool Maker Space with a giant box of corks (I think they were donated by a restaurant?) and some hot glue guns. I have wanted a corkboard for a while, so I decided to hot glue together some (well, 140 – I didn’t even use half the box though!) corks and make a corkboard! The last step is to cut a piece of carboard and glue it onto the back – this makes it a lot more sturdy!
I hung it up on the wall by putting two hooks on the back and one hook on the wall, then tied a piece of string in a loop and hung it above my desk. It doesn’t hang flush against the wall, but that just adds some more interesting dimension.
Making a corkboard was a really fun project. Have you ever made a corkboard or do you have one?
[…] and dresser) from IKEA, Target, Pottery Barn Teen, and Amazon. I also made a few things, like my corkboard. If you want Harry Potter decor, both Pottery Barn Teen and Target have Harry Potter lines. Amazon […]