Once we were taking Cali on a walk. Cali found a lovedove. Then Cali chased it. And played with it. They were friends. They played together for one hour. And they jumped onto a tree. And then Cali had to go home. But Cali was sad. So we made Cali a stuffed animal of it. And she cuddled with it. And then she fell asleep with it. Then Cali ate some dinner. The end.
Just so you know, Anna is my 5yo sister, and Cali is our 8 month old puppy. She knows it is Camp NaNoWriMo, so she wanted to write a story. She told me the story, and I wrote it down for her (she wants to have a blog so I told her she could write posts on mine) What did you think?
Mom says
I think you are an awesome big sister!