NaNoWriMo started! I wrote a version of “Deck the Halls” for it. 🙂
‘Tis the season for NaNoWriMo
What’s your word count goal
Will you achieve or drastically fail
Write write write write write
Now eat lots and lots of snacks
Sugar hyper, write write write
Now into week two
Working on plot plot plot
Your word count’s getting higher
But you’re still
below your goal!
Now its week three wow
How is November almost over?
It’s nearly Thanksgiving!
Time to write write write write write
I am below my daily goal!
Week four has started oh no,
NaNoWriMo’s almost over!
I need to write while cooking a feast
Today’s Thanksgiving!
My characters need more traits
I don’t know them well enough
Now its the last day of NaNoWriMo
Trying to achieve word count goal.
I’m spending hours writing and writing
Skipping all my daily chores!
Now I’ve finally got to my goal
It’s time for a celebration!
Tomorrow’s December first,
I’ve got start prepping for Christmas!
My novel’s sitting until January,
then I’ll edit it.
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