Okay, I’ve hit 5,000 words! For Camp NaNo so far, I think I’ve been doing…okay. (FYI, I changed my goal from 30,000 words to 25,000 words) I have been writing about Johnny the Fairy Godbrother, and right now one of my characters is yelling at everybody else that they shouldn’t be hiding and that they…
Story Musing
This year for Camp NaNoWriMo, I will be most of the time in Scotland and some time in England. Luckily, I was able to find a story idea (exactly one day before Camp NaNoWriMo!)–an old idea but turned into a (hopefully) 30,000 word novel. It will be about this ten year old boy named Johnny,…
100 Word Story: Truly
The night is dark, but not to her. With her thick black fur and blinding white teeth, she is one with the night. Everybody feared her, with her black paws that hid long dagger nails, and her yellow-green eyes that could blaze through the night. But was she truly scary? Was her teeth so violent? …
Getting Ready for July Camp NaNoWriMo 2018!
Are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo this July? What will you be writing about? What are some things you’re going to pack for camp? What’s your word count goal? I’m still not positive what my story will be yet…I have a few ideas, but once I started writing them I stopped liking them. Hopefully…
Poetry: Scared
Scared Scared, when the wind blows tight around my neck And the lightning crackles Making tall shadows dance in the midnight black And the glass shatters And the walls move closer around me The floor shakes The lights fall The rain storms on The thunder booms Out threats This is scared.
Poetry: Free Sunrise
Never Forget What I saw that one day The sunrise Golden Brighter than anything And I won’t listen anymore Cause I’m free, Freer than ever before When I run to the snow, Where the sun still shines And the shimmering lake Has little ducklings quacking to the rhythm of the sunrise And the beats of…
Poetry: On The Other Side
I said to meet me on the other side Where the sky is blue and there’s no fear ever No worry Where I’ll be free So why don’t you just meet me on that other side? Just listen Stop with the bargains Once just Listen to me! Where there’s no mistakes, No worries, No problems,…
Short Story: The Squirrel Olympics
“Hey! I saw that worm first!” Stiff yelled to Bluey, flying down to the leafy path to join his sister. “Stiff! Shut your beak! I’m trying to watch the squirrel Olympics!” Beaky retorted, gobbling a piece of caramel worm. “No! Stiff! This is my worm!” Bluey screamed as Stiff tried to take the juicy worm…
The Best Gluten Free Baking Mixes!
One of my friends a while ago asked if there were any good gluten free baking mixes. I told her that there were, and she asked me which ones. Here’s the list! (And yes, I love using mixes–if I don’t have time and need to bring something to a party, they are VERY useful. But…
Poetry: Doorbell
The doorbell ringing The puppy barking loudly Who could it be now?