Usually at some point in time when I’m meeting people, writing comes up. And, of course, they ask me what I write. And I generally don’t know what to say. What do they mean? Genre? Length? Usually I go with genre, and then, if they aren’t satisfied, I tell them about what I’m…
Question of the Day 14 and Superstitions
Do you believe in superstitions? I don’t, but I think some of them are fascinating. Here are some superstitions: Black Cats crossing your path Breaking Mirrors Friday the 13th The number 13 Walking under ladders Spilling salt Opening an umbrella indoors Saying the word Macbeth in a theatre What other strange superstitions have you…
Books about Scotland for Kids
There are lots of books on Scotland and its history, but some books are too long or too dense for kids. Most of Scotland’s castles and historical sites have gift shops where they sell books about Scotland for kids, but if you aren’t going to Scotland, or are planning a trip, or are just interested,…
The Scottish Thistle
The thistle is Scotland’s National Flower. Why? Why did Scotland choose a weed as their national flower? I mean, England has a rose, Wales has a daffodil, and Ireland has a shamrock. Why didn’t Scotland choose a flower like one of those? And how did Scotland choose this as their national flower? …
My Favorite Craft Kits
I do crafts a lot. Like, a LOT. But sometimes, instead of just getting an idea and making it with random craft materials from around the house, I get a craft kit. Craft kits like these also make great gifts! Craft-Tastic Thread Bowls Kit is a fun and quick craft. In this kit, you…
The National Museum of Scotland
The National Museum of Scotland is –in my opinion–one of the BEST museums ever! It is extremely kid friendly, huge, and (as of last time I visited) free to go to. It has so many exhibits. Last time I visited, they opened about five more exhibits. The museum has lots of restaurants, gift shops, and…
How to Make the Best Writing Environment
Since April is the first of two NaNoWriMo Camps, (there are two NaNoWriMo Camps, one in April and one in July–the actual NaNoWriMo is in November), I decided to write a post on the ideal writing environment. So–what DO you need to make the ideal writing environment? Time You need to make sure…
Question of the Day 12
What is your idea of the perfect weather? What do you do on this perfect day? My idea of the perfect weather is one of those sunny days when it’s not too sunny but not too cloudy. It would be about 72 degrees Fahrenheit. I would probably do all of my schoolwork outside in…
Poetry: Spring
Spring When green grass, strong and sturdy, pops up out of the wet dirt, When chicks peep, birds cheep, And frogs leap, And crickets hum into the night. Clouds rain sun unpredictable yet amazing and new.
Greyfriar’s Bobby
If you go to Edinburgh, you will probably see a little statue of a dog, with a rubbed gold nose. And you will probably see right next to that dog a whole bunch of tourists. Why on Earth are people posing my a statue of a dog? You will also have maybe read the…