I’ve been doing Raddish Kids kits for a couple months now, and I really love them! They each have three recipes that always work, and their website has allergy substitutes. The first kit comes with an apron. Each kit comes with an iron on patch–but when we tried to iron them on they melted onto the iron even though it was on low heat. Each kit also comes with a kitchen tool–like a timer, or a spoon rest. Some of them are not very useful, but some are actually helpful, like the spoon rest. These kits would be good for tweens to do with some adult supervision, and college students could easily make them for a meal. They would also be good to make for playdates or for younger kids to do with their parents.
The top thing I like about these kits is how well the recipes work. They are printed on laminated paper and are illustrated and have easy to understand instructions. The recipes are all together with a theme–like a holiday that is happening that month or a topic (like Thanksgiving or Mexican food). The kits also give a fun activity to do with the theme. Sometimes the kits have one or two more extra small recipes, like cranberry sauce or biscuits. Overall I really enjoy these kits.
Do you enjoy cooking or baking? Is there a recipe you enjoy?
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