*spoiler alert* I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan, and I was super excited when we got tickets as our Christmas present to go see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! I have loved Harry Potter since I was in kindergarten. When I found out that there would be another story about Harry, Hermione, and Ron,…
Timberdoodle Eighth Grade Curriculum End of Year Review
It’s the end of the school year, and I’m writing about the Timberdoodle Eighth Grade Curriculum Kit for 2018! Read my unboxing post here, and my mom’s unboxing post here. We also wrote mid year reviews – check mine out here and my mom’s out here. Test Practice Grade 8 This book has a good…
Disneyland California Review!
I recently went to Disneyland for the first time! It was a ton of fun! We went for two and a half days and stayed in the Disneyland Paradise Pier hotel. Hotel We stayed in the Disneyland Paradise Pier hotel, which lets us have Magic Morning – that’s where we can get into one of…
Timberdoodle Secular Elite Eighth Grade Unboxing!
If you have been reading this blog for a while, then you (probably) know that I’m homeschooled. I got a chance to review the Timberdoodle Secular Elite Eighth Grade Kit, so I wrote an unboxing post. Here it is! (BTW I have flipped through all of the products to see what they are like–I just…
Raddish Kids Kit Review!
I’ve been doing Raddish Kids kits for a couple months now, and I really love them! They each have three recipes that always work, and their website has allergy substitutes. The first kit comes with an apron. Each kit comes with an iron on patch–but when we tried to iron them on they melted onto…